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Anchors up

Published: June 25, 2022
Updated: June 25, 2022

Of the hells on this plane, two are of specific agony to me personally; job hunting and moving. But…

We did it, again.

The house is empty and cleaned, we sold so many things at tortuous discounts. The fixes requested by the seller have been made (just in time for the deadline).

We’ve moved so many times. When we made the decision to move this time, we held no punches in packing everything, even if we thought we’d need it or it should be packed last. Didn’t matter, the last stretch was still the typical hard core push, shoving things into the cracks of the storage unit, several trips to Goodwill, miles of aimlessly walking around with single items trying to group similar things.

We had planned to be on the road several days earlier to meet my folks at Yellowstone National Park, but the park had shut down due to extreme flooding.

My son wasn’t feeling well just before our expected ship off date. The parents decided to visit us at the house and helped us make the final 4th quarter push.

Mostly empty living room

We’re out though, currently staying just south of a picturesque town called Le Grande, Oregon. The RV park here has a nice hot spring feed pool that the kids have enjoyed. It’s a full summer rolling grass land valley with sunshine and horses and a cute little down town that’s really keeping up. We discovered our youngest has allergies, like his sister and myself. Oh when we got here I received a friendly welcome of about 11 gnarly mosquito bites while setting up camp, but the bugs go away when the sun and wind is out.

Our camp in Le Grande

Starlink is performing reliably and I was able to work with little to no issues. I have started using a virtual background in conference calls to establish normalcy for my coworkers. I’m getting my routines down and my work stations, 4Runner in the morning then I move in the camper when everyone’s had a chance to wake up. I’ll try and catch some pictures of the setup for my next post.

We’ve talked about upgrading our camper, 18 feet is pretty extreme for all 4 of us plus Oakley. The wife has her eyes set on Quebec though and we’re planning on some serious driving sprints over the weekends. So we’ll stay small and nimble while we trek cross country, possibly upgrading once we’ve spent our summer in eastern Canada and are ready to travel south in the fall.

Layout of our Winnebago 1700BH travel trailer
Layout of our Winnebago 1700BH.

And now, some photos from our recent travels.

  • The plane of Le Grande
  • Visitor information board with a map of Le Grande
  • Old truck parked at the store in Le Grande
  • Michele's new purse on the bed
  • Wind turbine on a hill during the drive
  • Sun set on the drive
  • Kiddos in the pool
  • Oakley in the camper on a bunch of shoes
  • A bag at the store that reads "Wine is basically fruit salad"
  • Youngest hiking on some rocks
  • Oakley in the grass
  • The camp spot
  • Our little family fridge